Acti – wearable. Actimel's innovative campaign

– Acti – wearable, connecting to the mobile application via Bluetooth Low Energy. Mobile application for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 10.


Actimel has been strengthening the resilience of Polish families for years. Many young parents, often having their first child, have trouble dressing them appropriately for the weather. Some people talk about it directly, others can be heard in stories of caregivers and kindergarten teachers. Playing outside together gives way to checking if the child got hot or cold.

The goal of the campaign was to provide a solution so that young parents could spend more time outdoors together in the winter.


A solution that originated in the Y&R Mobile is Acti – a wearable worn under a child's clothing that notifies parents in a specially developed mobile app when the temperature starts to drop or rise. This lets parents know to correct their child's clothes whenever needed. Acti attachment allows you to put on the sensor in many ways and adapt its shape to the child's needs. This is possible, thanks to a magnet-based solution developed at Y&R.

Sensor in Acti monitors air temperature under a child's clothes in real time. It changes faster than the body temperature and if it goes out of the child's thermal comfort range, the parent will immediately receive a push notification on their smartphone. Thus, without having to constantly check, it will know when to add an extra layer of clothing or, on the contrary, loosen the scarf and slightly unbutton the child's jacket.

In addition to a temperature sensor, Acti also has a hygrometer that monitors humidity. It allows a parent to receive overheating notifications if a child sweats excessively while playing. This is an additional, optional layer of security.

A universal temperature range for everyone's comfort does not exist. Therefore, Acti works based on an individual child's thermal comfort profile determined during the initial launch (onboarding). The app suggests optimal values, which the parent accepts or changes according to their own judgment. Can be adjusted at any time to fit the child's needs even more precisely.

Acti cannot be bought. You could win them every 20 minutes in Actimel's lottery on the website.actimel.en.


The raffle drew more than 1,000 Acti units. Acti prize also resulted in an increase in interest in Actimel's lottery, compared to the previous year, and most importantly, an increase in sales of the product.

Video case study:


The campaign has 9 nominations for Innovation AD and KTR awards. The awards will be decided on May 23 and 24, 2016.

Innovation AD nominations in the categories: Product, Technology, Insight and Usability.

KTR nominations in categories: Active Advertising: Mobile; Digital & Mobile: Creative use of proprietary technologies; Digital & Mobile: Creative use of data; Digital & Mobile: Other mobile solutions; Media: Creative use of mobile.

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